Idaho Republican Integrity Project

Back Story

     This all dates back to that one memorable day when Trump rode down the gold escalator and announced his candidacy to run for the presidency.  The master of PR himself made it clear from the start that his campaign would be like no other.  And, that was borne out in spades when he began taking on anyone that stood in his way, whether it was to tag Marco Rubio with “Little Marco”, or to hang “Sleepy Jeb Bush” around Jeb Bush’s neck.

     The Master of Public Relations was on the attack to expose fraud, whether it was fake news or phony RINO politicians, he cut to the heart of the matter without hesitating one bit. It was a spectacle.  He cut deep and showed these people for who they were, and there was no mercy for the frauds, the imposters, the pretenders.

     It jolted people upside the head like a 2 x 4 upside the head of a stubborn mule, psychologically his campaign shocked Republicans to the core.  It was way more than many of the rank-and-file Republican loyalists could take, and oh so many turned on Trump with a vengeance, critical of what he was doing.

     What he did was wake people up to the awful sense of their destruction.  That’s what he did.  And the monumental task of turning Republican ship around to set it on a proper course was begun.  So far, it has taken eight long years to do this, and the work is still ongoing.  But what has happened in this past month has been remarkable to witness.  Trump, now back in office as President and Commander in Chief, has unleashed the dogs of war on all those who have done their utmost to maintain the corrupt tyranny over the American people and perpetuate an ungodly evil on the nation, and for that matter, the entire world.

     However, Trump, throughout the past eight years has maintained that it was the people that needed to take back their country, and not him.  It is more than just an out-of-control federal government that needed to be brought to heel, but also state, county, and city governments all needed to eliminate the political corruption that was at the heart of all the wrong taking place in America.  He made reference numerous times to the RINOs in the party that were working mightily against everything he was trying to do.  For him, it was simple.  RINO’s were fake, phony, imposters who turned against the values and principles of the Republican Party and all it stood for. These are those whose mission was to subvert the Party and make it serve them and not the people.

     Those within the Party who rebelled against the conservative Republican Party Platform and what it stood for were acting the part of insurgents within the Party, rebels, revolutionaries, bent on capturing the Party.  This has been taking place all over the country, not just in Washington, DC.  But in state and local government as well.

     This leads us today where we find the same degree of fake,phony, imposter politicians right here in Idaho just the same as every where else.  Call them what you want, but don’t call them honest when they commit “party affiliation fraud” by pretending to be Republican when they in reality are not shown to be aligned with the Idaho Republican Party Platform and its principles and values.

     It is time.  Trump has blazed the trail.  It is up to us here in Idaho to follow that trail and do much as he has already done, looking forward to more he will do in taking back America. It is our duty and responsibility to take back Idaho from those who have shown they do not have the Idaho Republican Party vision to take back Idaho and make Idaho Great in the context of state following the Constitution and the proper role government should have in our lives, not as dictator, but as servant of the people and not the other way around.



Idaho Republican Integrity Project