Idaho Republican Integrity Project

What is not challenged, is condoned!

Exposed: rampant "party identity fraud" in Idaho's Republican legislature stifles good efforts of both Freedom Caucus groups

" of the worst cases of
party affiliation fraud"

Institute for Legislative Analysis
Washington, D.C.


      This is a project to restore integrity to the Idaho Republican Party by addressing the disastrous affects of "party affiliation fraud" that has taken place within the Party. The focus of the project is to ensure that Party members reasonably if not substantially adhere to the Party's platform, its principles, and its values. Addition- ally, that our Republican legislators and others within the Party in positions of leadership and power align with the Party Platform and Rules.

      Republican legislators who have lately gained seats in the Statehouse by unethical and dishonest means must be disciplined by removal from Party Mem- bership for cause as a punitive measure and as a deterrent to others. Not to act is to condone this fraud.  Failure of Party leadership to acknowledge and account for 33 currently sitting Idaho Republican legislators in the Statehouse due to fraud is unacceptable, and the time is right for the Party to follow in the footsteps of President Trump and clean our own house in our Party, now!

Coming your way very soon!
under Construction

  "If good men do not seek office...lesser men will."

Roman Senator and Philosopher

      From history we might recall that Cicero was assassinated for his efforts to clean up the swamp in the midst of corruption within the Roman Senate, and among the judges who were easily bought with money.  If Cicero were here with us today, it would be no stretch of the imagination to believe attempts on his life would be made in this day and age for his integrity ran counter to the culture of corruption that occupied the seats of power.

We need to clean house like Trump is doing now so these children don't have to do it later on.

Idaho's Stolen Legislative Seats

You be the Judge!

Stealing powerful seats of government by fraudulent and unethical means

      ANY candidate that has posed as an Idaho Republican candidate and used the Party’s name and branding to assure their election when they knew or should have known they were out of integrity with the Party Platform and its Rules, have in effect stolen their legislative seat through a fraud--at a minimum through a constructive fraud.  Whichever way, it makes no difference.  The results are nevertheless the same.  Though perhaps maybe not intending to do so, nonetheless, the result has been to take a seat that was not earned, but instead gained by hiding the truth.

      By allowing themselves such unrestrained freedom to do whatever they wanted, they have undeservedly deprived and kept out honest candidates from winning and filling those seats.  Using the fallacious argument,"But the voters voted me into office", is patently fraudulent and a con  when party identity fraud is used to portray themselves as bona fide Republicans.

      At least Democrats are honest about who and what they represent when they put the "D" with their name.  You have to respect them for that.  Those who lack integrity and mock our trust do not deserve our respect, our support, or our vote.  Least of all, they should not fill important and powerful seats within the peoples' lawmaking branch of government.  Those seats are reserved for good honest men and women of integrity.

21 seats in the House could be occupied by representatives who are honest about their party affiliation and who believe Integrity is an honorable prerequisite of the office.







          At stake is the intersection of our lives with civil government--government being a necessity for an orderly society that protects our God-given rights. In America’s republican system, "We the People" determine government’s nature, necessarily relying on honest, wise representatives to reflect both our interests and what we expect the government’s role to be. Finding such individuals is challenging, yet essential to Life, Liberty. and Property (Happiness).

          Political parties, like the Idaho Republican Party, provide a standard or platform to which people are drawn to and rally around. When a party strays from its standard or platform, its candidates reflect that misalignment. Currently, 33 Idaho Republican legislators misrepresent their political philosophy, substantially deviating from the standard, the Party Platform and Party Rules. This out of alignment condition has resulted in "party affiliation fraud" undermining the Party’s integrity and value in bringing forth good government, as the government’s quality hinges on its representatives.

          No credible organization tolerates members going unchecked doing that which interferes with the organization's purpose for existing. The damage done by these 33 fake Republican legislators shows up in the good bills that do not get passed and bad bills that get passed. All of this impacts everyone and denies society the benefits of the state following a course within the proper role of government thereby failing to deliver on a promise to protect the rights of its  citizens.

Consider these things causing the Party organization to be compromised:

Party Membership a Privilege,
Not a Right

          The privilege of Membership in the Idaho Republican Party is conditioned on one’s loyalty to the tenets of republican conservatism and adherence to constitutional principles of freedom and liberty, which are embodied in the Party organization, its Platform and its Rules, policies, decisions and its purposes.  Those who take exception to what the Party stands for are not fit for membership in the Idaho Republican Party. Members in good standing are those that are aligned with the values and principles of the Party and fol ow the rules of membership.  Membership in the Party as such is voluntary, a privilege, and not a right as some may think and take for granted.  

Membership Governed
by Contract Law

      When one checks the “Republican” box on the Idaho Political Party Affiliation Declaration Form (your voter registration form), then signs and files such with their county clerk, they become party to a contract, enjoying full membership in the Idaho Republican Party--a totally voluntary act done of one’s own free-will.

     By affiliating in this way, and identifying themselves as Republican, all members are thus deemed to know the rules, decisions, policies of the organization they have joined. That is a matter of law and in keeping with the Maxim in Law that one has a duty to know with whom they deal and what the conditions are. We have all heard, "Ignorance of the Law is no excuse."  That is reason why ignorance of the rules and the Party platform are of no excuse.

      Parties to this contract are the one signing the form and the other the Idaho Republican Party--who gladly accepts the new member.  That one very important element of a contract the consideration is satisfied where the Party will provide services as a political organization for the benefit of the member, and in return, the new member is expected to be a member in good standing, substantially aligning with the Party Platform, Party Rules Article XX Sec. 1 through 3, to support the Party in part by voting for Party candidates, providing resources, participating in the Party leadership when possible, and to spread Party goodwill. 

      A Party member is free to disassociate with the Idaho Republican Party at anytime by removing one’s voter registration form on file with one’s county, or if dissatisfied with the political philosophy and direction of the Party, to affiliate with another party, file as unaffiliated, or even create with others a new Party.  BUT…so long as your voter registration is with the Idaho Republican Party, one is duty-bound to be loyal to the Party, follow the Party rules and substantially align with the Party Platform in keeping to the contract.

Did you sign your name and affiliate with the Idaho Republican Party?

Evidence of a Breach of Contract

Let's take a look at the obvious...

Recapping what we know from 4 well know and respected conservative rating organizations...

  • 33 "F" rated Idaho Republican legislators (<60% = F)
  •  7 in 50% bracket
  •  8 in 40% bracket
  • 13 in 30% bracket
  •  5 in 20% bracket

      That's 33 Idaho Republican legislators who show they all vote quite regularly and philosophically with liberal Democrats, who are at least--as Democrats go--honorable enough to tell who they really are.  It is past time for the Idaho Republican Party to end the hypocrisy that there is unity in the Party when there is NOT.

      That itself is a fraud in itself and inexcusable on the part of Party leadership.  It is time to expel 33 dishonest Republicans from the Idaho Republican Party, letting the chips fall where they may, put a stop to the fraud and deter others from this kind of unethical conduct.

Suspend or Amend Party Rules?

      The Idaho Republican Party within its own rules has the power to "amend or suspend" its rules, especially at times when it must do so to protect the Party as an association along with its Membership.  And especially from the very sort of conditions expressed herein. Fraud is so egregious that it demands immediate removal to maintain INTEGRITY within the Party association, and it stands to reason that this goes for any association, group, or organization, and the Party is no exception to having to apply due diligence to remedy such.

Right to Expel Members

      ALL Party Rules are subject to change as the State Central Committee sees fit in order to answer any circumstance that the current Party Rules are incapable of providing to accomplish a reasonable and expedient means of resolution, where mitigation of a wrong is demanded so as to prevent further injury to the Party association or its membership.  Thus the Party Rules give the explicit answer:

Idaho Republican Party Rules (January 2025)


Section 3
: These rules may be amended by a majority vote of the State Central Committee at any regular or special session of the Republican State Central Committee.

Section 4:
The Rules of the Idaho Republican Party can only be amended or suspended by the Idaho Republican State Central Committee.  [Emphasis added]   

      It is essential to note that no consideration is given to a majority vote requirement in the instance of the Party suspending its own rules.

      Most importantly, where the Party is stifled by its own rules to deal with a matter deemed serious enough to warrant drastic steps be taken, it has total power to change or set aside those rules.  In this case where 33 Republican legislators, known conclusively to have engaged in party affiliation fraud in the previous 2024 election, there is ample reason to move from the formality of following existing Party rules for disciplining Party members found to be wholly unsuited to resolving the matter, and instead choose to follow a different course of action.

      It is therefore consistent with Party Rules to suspend the existing disciplinary rules for disciplining Party members in this one instance only in order to quickly and efficiently judge and dispose of a matter that if delayed any further will have lasting adverse consequences for the Idaho Republican Party.

It is wholly consistent with Trump and his team demanding federal bureaucrats to account for and bullet point five things they have done in the previous week or be fired.  The question to those 33 current Republican legislators egregiously out of integrity with the values and principles of the Idaho Republican Party to answer individually why that individual should not immediately have his/her membership in the Party terminated, and all rights and privileges of membership ended.

"A house divided against
      itself cannot stand."

Expulsion as Remedy to Bring about Party Unity

Abraham Lincoln

Remember…a civil war is a war to determine who will control the government. That is not what Abraham Lincoln was fighting.  It was a Rebellion where the South hoped to break free of the Constitution and separate and go their own way.  Both France and England noted the rapid rise of the power of the United States and, looking to the future, jealously saw America as a rival to their interests that would soon overshadow their power in the world, hoping that America would split apart, dividing its power and strength easier for these two nations to deal with America in the future.  Lincoln knew this aspect well.

Because Lincoln saw the rebellion for what it was, he took extraordinary steps to deal with people in the North critical of his efforts to quell the rebellion, and he put newspaper men and others in prison who supported the rebellion, suspended habeas corpus, and took other harsh steps that the insurrection under the Constitution allowed for.  He did what he needed to do to preserve the union of states from being destroyed.

A nation is weakened by rebellion, and reason the Constitution addresses insurrection in contemplation of what might occur in America's future. And this is reason rebellion is to be dealt with strong medicine and no with weakness and allowed to gain a foothold. The same applies to an organization, military, business, or church; to allow some to be in rebellion to the purposes of the organization is to allow interference with its objectives and the good work of its members and to threaten its existence

Currently, 33 Idaho legislators are known to have infiltrated the ranks of the Idaho Republican Party with leftist political philosophy and are shown to be working contrary to the purposes of the Party in fulfilling the Party’s commitment to its Platform of conservative principles and values.  This is not one or two legislators who have infiltrated the party, but a powerful body that when combined with 15 Democrat legislators, and those just outside the range of the 33 that vote center-left, there exists a voting bloc--a voting bloc that could never possibly override a governor veto on important legislation. The Idaho Republican Party has been to a substantial degree neutered by this rebellion having allowed to take place within the Party. To a great extent the power and effectiveness of good Republican legislators in the Statehouse has in many respects been undermined and thus often fails because of those in place working against the principles and values the Party is meant to advance.


      There placement of unworthy people occupying the powerful seats of Idaho state government is mandatory in order to achieve the sought after unity within the Idaho Republican Party. It is an unescapable fact that cannot be ignored. Like the elephant in the room, this travesty of 33 incumbent legislators who were elected to positions of power within the legislative branch of our government is beyond the pale.

      That fact cannot solely be attributed to fact that people cast votes to elect these people, as the people are conned by those posing dishonestly and using the Republican brand to shield themselves from scrutiny because have they been guided in their decision making by a false sense of trust places in the Republican Party.  This trust in the case of these 33 legislators has been misused by the Party and is misplaced…

What Party Members are Obligated by Duty to Do

          Treat this as an Emergency that must be addressedimmediately and effective action taken be taken.  33 current legislators in the current 2025 and2026 Idaho legislature were all incumbent legislators in the previous 2024election and literally stole their current legislative seats through partyaffiliation fraud.  This is inexcusableconduct which reflects poorly on both the Idaho legislature AND the IdahoRepublican Party.  Those who attain tothe level of a high position in government have a duty to conduct themselves ina manner that reflects well upon the Idaho legislature, and conduct contrary tosuch is against both House and Senate rules Idaho Legislature Senate Rule52(B)(1) …conduct unbecoming a Senator;House Rule 45(2)(B)(I)...Conductunbecoming a Representative…detrimental to the integrity of the House. This is a question of Integrity aswell as Ethics.  

         It is inexcusable, andthose who perpetrated such fraud, because of the station of trust and powerthey wield are not ordinary citizens and are to be held to a higher standard ofconduct.  For the Idaho Republican Partyto allow such conduct to go unchecked, which only emboldens the bad actors tocontinue, election cycle after election cycle, is to participate in carryingforth the fraud.  Thus it is incumbent onthe Idaho Republican Party, not to just try and rein in those that committedthis fraud, rather to insure the Party is returned to good health and to removethe rebellion and disunity within the Party that exemplifies the true conditionof the Party and instead bring about real unity in the Part. The extreme measure of Expulsioncan achieve this.  Anything less is forthe Party to aid and abet a continuation of the fraud.  If the overarching goal of the Party is tobring about Good Government, then it must not delay, but act.

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Your Duty to Act

           You who arereading this cannot escape your duty, especially you who are the leaders indetermining the direction of the Idaho Republican Party, to do what isnecessary to reverse this condition which is a stumbling-block to the great effortsof those legislators who are committed to apply the proper role of governmentin protecting the freedoms and liberties of the good citizens of Idaho.  Your part in this reversal is essential andplaces on your shoulders the right and amoral duty to restore good governmentin all the ways you can help.  Pleaseact.

If you are a good member of the Idaho GOP, you will not suffer bad members to remain in the Party compromising the integrity of the Party and its work.

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